Major ethical theories pdf

Annotated list of ethical theories the following list is selective, including only what i view as the major theories. In fact, for centuries, philosophers have come up with theoretical ways of telling right from wrong and for giving guidelines about how to live and act ethically. What you do in one situation will not always work in another. Each moral theory holds a specific approach in how to handle lifes decisions. Generally speaking, there are two major approaches that philosophers use in. The general learning objectives of the course are to introduce students to the historical development of the major schools of ethical theorizing. As mentioned previously, rae suggests that ethics are a process that is both an art and a science.

However some of the most influential theories include utilitarianism, deontological ethics, and modernist and post. Major ethical theories 1 ethical theories provide frameworks and specific values for assessing situations and guiding decisionmaking processes, so the relative differences between right and wrong are understood, and appropriate solutions are reached. Introduction to ethics in the world today, we are in the throes of a giant ethical leap that is essentially embracing all of humankind donahue, 1996, p. The social world is messy and ethics helps us muddle through.

The term kantian ethics refers primarily to the ethical theory of immanuel kant 17241804 but is used more generally to refer to other theories that incorporate some of kants central ideas, including the good will, the moral law, moral obligation, acting from duty, the categorical imperative, the opposing of duty to inclination, ethical formalism, rationalism, universality, deontology. Ethical theory high level principle from which derive lower level principles do not lie. Consequentialist ethical theories a purely consequentialist ethical theory is a general normative theory that bases the moral evaluation of acts, rules, institutions, etc. This chapter presents basic features of the three main families of western ethical theories.

Three general theories of ethics and the integrative role of integrity theory article pdf available in ssrn electronic journal july 2002 with 47,638 reads how we measure reads. There are three major categories of ethical systems that students typically learn about in philosophy classes. While elaborating on how an agency can be improved when applying the correct theory to the problem. Pdf ethical theories and their application andrew t forcehimes. The purpose of this article is to explain different ethical theories and compare and contrast them in a way thats clear and easy for students to understand. Print out thechart of basic approaches to ethical theory from my website which i use instead of canvas. Ethical theories are important to study in order to establish a strong foundation for challenging situations or guide decisions how do we know whether something is right or wrong. Usefulness of ethical theories university of kansas. The approach taken in this text, while specific to the aqa philosophy and ocr religious programs, would work quite well with lower levelintroductory ethics students, who have no background in philosophy. All of morality aims at the same thing but there are several basic ways to get there. Pdf three general theories of ethics and the integrative. Instantiation in science of second order principle.

Ethical theory university of maryland, college park. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. The varieties of ethical theories given at buffalo psychiatric center march 27, 1979 by richard t. The word ethics stems from the greek word ethos, which means a custom or habit. The aim of ethical theories is, among other things, to present and defend systematic answers to the two following questions. Are there rules and values of ethics that universally apply to all humans, across all of history and.

Over time, ethical theories have evolved based on the belief systems of various individuals and groups. Ethics or morality and well use these terms interchangeably is the broader arena in which any special set of ethical problems is found. Throughout history, a few moral theories have surfaced and have been analyzed for their strengths and weaknesses. Instead, in the first instance, it attempts to organize and explain common ethical opinions. Recommendations for additions to the list are welcome. Major ethical theories major ethical theories 1 ethical. Consequentialist deontological virtue ethics of care feminist ethics.

The role of ethical theories in ethical reasoning and behavior within organizations research proposal sigalit pasternak, phd student the faculty of management tel aviv university supervisor. A theory is a systematic body of thought, starting with very general principles or standards. The three competing approaches to ethical analysis are consequentialism, deontology, and virtue eth in consequentialist ethics, the moral content of an action is determined by the real and. Utilitarianism most famous type of consequentialist. These systems are used by individuals to make decisions when confronted with ethical dilemmas. An ethical theory is basically a generalization that attempts to explain what is acceptable in society. You must use your judgment to decide the best course of action and the leadership style needed for.

Ethics are in play because these theories represent the viewpoints from. The theory of deontology states that when we have to make ethical decisions, our first thoughts are on our duties and obligations. In particular it involves examining appropriate constraints on the pursuit of self interest. In rulesbased perspectives, the important feature is that an action itself should. The most common examples of normative ethical theories are utilitarianism, kantian dutybased ethics deontology, and divine command theory, which are described later in this chapter. Moral rules an action is right if it follows certain fundamental moral rules. Major ethical issues in conducting research informed consent informed consent is the major ethical issue in conducting research. Go to my website address on the syllabus and click on courses in the menu at the bottom. Slide 3 forms of ethical theories for individuals, the ethical theory they employ for decision making guidance emphasizes aspects of an ethical dilemma important to them and leads them to the most ethically correct resolution according to the guidelines within the ethical theory itself. Essay about three major ethical theories 909 words. Ethical theories provide part of the decisionmaking foundation for decision making when. Each one of these theories looks at our ethical behavior in different ways. Ethicists defend their positions by using different ethical perspectives and theories. However, the book covers only 4 major ethical theories.

Ethical theories on stealing all human societies and communities have basic ethical principles that constitute certain moral codes. Consequentialistrightness of actions depends solely on the consequences or results of those actionshow much good the action produces. Are there rules and values of ethics that universally apply to. Ethical theories two types of ethical theories i teleological theories value based theories an act is morally right if it promotes the good or what has value. This document is in pdf format and can be found at. Here are a few ethical theories to whet your appetite. The role of ethical theories in ethical reasoning and. Pdf this paper consists of a discussion of the three general theories of ethics, on the one hand as a framework for solving ethical dilemmas. The three major ethical theories in criminal justice 827 words 4 pages. The three ethical theories are metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. Text for the annotations is taken largely from the relevant wikipedia articles or. People formulated these principles and rules many centuries ago. Pdf three general theories of ethics and the integrative role of. It is the practice of learning about, and recommending practices of right and wrong behavior.

Another major polarity in ethical theories is universalism versus relativism. The ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the principles of morality and the welldefined standards of right and wrong that prescribe the human character and conduct in terms of obligations, rights, rules, benefit to society, fairness, etc. Herein the normative domainis where ethics resides. Main features of some western ethical theories oxford.

They will be expected to understand and evaluate how best to apply these theories to practical and current ethical questions and issues. How can we use ethical theories and frameworks to help us determine appropriate legislation or whether or not a particular technology is designed to be ethical. Business ethics is a specialized branch of ethics focusing on how moral standards apply to business organizations and behavior velasques, 1998. Ethical theories and major moral principles essay bartleby.

Entries in bold face have been especially influential. What are the major ethical issues in conducting research. The main task is to clarify how to distinguish consequentialism in general from virtue ethics in general. Ishak saporta introduction business ethics is a specialized branch of ethics focusing on how moral standards. A moral theory often shapes a persons attitude toward others, belief system and life choices. Although youve confronted ethical questions, chances are your answers have not formed a consistent. Ethical theory serves as the foundation for ethical solutions to the difficult situations people encounter in life. An ethical theory isnt necessarily a guide to moral decisionmaking in hard cases. There are generally three philosophical approaches, or what may be considered the science, to ethical reasoning.

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